Outdoor Wedding Ceremony

Since most events are now (forced) to be outdoors, it’s a good idea to prepare ahead. Whether you're planning an outdoor wedding in a courtyard or your own backyard, there are many elements that come into play. But one thing certain is that all your guests are there to hear you say "I do."

Now imagine if you had to scream those two words so everyone in attendance can hear you loud enough. Imagine the officiant screaming "I now pronounce you..." at the top of their lungs. I'm sure you know by now there's enough technology out there so you don't have to scream during your ceremony for your guests to be able to hear you in the back row. A microphone and a good sound system can fix that little hiccup that's often overlooked during ceremonies. 

Here's two questions to consider if you might need a sound system for your wedding ceremony:

1) Do you have 50+ guests attending?

The larger the crowd, the harder it is to hear in the back rows. Rule of thumb, if you have 50 guests or more (about the size of a school bus) you will need sound amplification for your ceremony. I would even recommend it for as few as 30 guests. 

2) Is your ceremony outdoors?

Outdoor weddings are beautiful but twice as hard to hear as indoor weddings. Why? Because inside sound reflects and will bounce back where as outdoors it disappears into thin air. Speaking of air, the wind may also cause noise interference. So can traffic depending on where your ceremony is taking place. That's a lot of noise to compete with when your wedding is outside.

What we recommend:

If you are planning your wedding ceremony outside, here's the 3 things you will need:

1) A wireless microphone for the officiant and a handheld microphone for your vows.

2) Speakers. If you have more than 100+ guests you will need to amplify the sound with good quality speakers in order for everyone to hear the ceremony. 

3) Have a dedicated sound engineer, especially if your ceremony is outdoors. A sound engineer will be on stand-by throughout the ceremony adjusting levels to make sure everyone speaking is at the proper level, including the ceremony music. At any moment a gust of wind can make things suddenly noisy, let the pro deal with these issue who's not also juggling other responsibilities. 

Final thought:

This is your wedding ceremony, you want it to sound perfect without any glitches. There's no second take on this day, make sure you let the real professionals handle this so you have a little peace of mind. Make the most important moment sound perfect when you say "I do."


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